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Tyre & Roller Grinding

Tyre & Roller Grinding

Offering geometric inspections using 3D scanning, we can machine rollers and tyres “on the run” resulting in zero production loss. 

Uneven tyre and roller wear (or tapers) make it difficult or even impossible to attain balance.

If left unchecked, these issues can lead to serious problems such as excessive mechanical wear and increased hertz pressures, leading to lower production or production losses through breakdowns.

Our in-situ machining and grinding equipment is custom-designed and manufactured by RKS to service tyres, rollers, thrust-rollers, rotary coolers and dryers.

Our professional field technicians are trained to identify problems and deliver the best solutions to maximise performance and extend optimal operational life, and to carry out these services without affecting production.

The speed and precision of our onsite alignment, machining and reconditioning position us as the industry leaders.

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